Sister Abigail?

There have been rumours circulating for awhile now about a female character being added to The Wyatt Family, more specifically, Sister Abigail. Yes, the same one that’s in an abundance of Bray Wyatt promos and the star who had her name given to Bray’s finishing move. I have yet to find a direct source of where, but on, staff talked about some potential storylines to take place in 2016. A lot of them were crazy fantasies, but this one is pretty possible in the future of WWE.

The Wyatt Family started as just Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper, and Erick Rowan, but recently, Braun Strowman has been brought into the mix. Through some poor bookings while Bray was solo, the WWE Universe slowly left his side. Nobody cares anymore and his talent was going to waste. Now that he’s with the three other members of the Wyatt Family, the crowd loves him. It’s only a matter of time until he gets into a title picture. But, are the three others enough to push him there, or is another member just what he needs to get a title around his waist… err… shoulder.

Earlier in the month, there were two names circulating around, Nia Jax and Asuka. Nia Jax is the cousin of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, who has been in NXT for awhile. She’s not you’re typical diva, and her look would’ve been perfect for the Wyatt Family. Asuka was a strange name for me because of her stature. She’s a lot smaller than the other members of the Wyatt Family, and she’s not really strong on the mic, which is a strong suit in the Wyatt Family. But another name has recently surfaced. On January 10, a cryptic tweet along with a photo was posted on an account called @SantanaGarrett_. Ever heard of her? No? Me either. However, this photo created a lot of buzz. On the 7th, NXT’s taping had former TNA Knockout Santana Garrett wrestling in a match. Then, his tweet shows up. Weird, right? It gets weirder, don’t worry. First, just look at the picture. If that doesn’t scream Wyatt Family, I don’t know what does. I’m now going to analyse a few key details in this photo a bit more.

PyIiABkDFirst – The Sheep Mask
If you didn’t notice this and make a connection, I’ll do it for you. It’s a sheep mask, almost identical to the ones that Erick Rowan and Braun Strowman wear out to the ring. Creepy much?
bray1 bray2Second – #WakeUp
No, we aren’t talking about Ryback here when he screams “Wake Up!” as he walks down the entrance ramp. No, it’s bigger than that. This may be a bit far fetched, but look at the font. Yes, the font of the writing. Look familiar? If it doesn’t, let’s compare it to one of Bray Wyatt’s shirts. It looks very similar, if not exact, right? If this doesn’t scream new member of the Wyatt Family, maybe this next one will.
Third – Lantern
This may be hard for some to see because the photo is a bit blurry, but look carefully at what this woman is holding. Do you see it? The lantern? If I’m not mistaken, this lantern is exactly like the one Bray carries out to the ring. Okay, this is getting creepier. This lantern is literally screaming “I’m joining The Wyatt Family!”
Fourth – Backgrounds
If none of those got you on board, this one won’t either. This one is the most far fetched of the four. The background where she is looks to be creepy, dark, woods. Yes, woods. Where do the Wyatt’s shoot promos? The woods, yeah. This may be a shot in the dark compared to the others, but could she have been searching the woods this whole time for Bray and now finally she’s found him and now she can wake and debut in WWE. This is all really new information to me, but with my background of making up storylines, I’ve already thought of two scenarios that this mystery Sister Abigail could debut. Here they are:

Bray, Is That You?
Do you know how random Wyatt promos went off when Roman Reigns was in the ring? What if that happened while the Wyatt Family was in the ring? Imagine the rocking chair, back and forth, back and forth, and then the woman pictured exactly in the photo appears on the chair. Then, the words “Bray, Is That You?” echo throughout the stadium before the lights turn dark and the rocking chair appears on the ramp with a dress thrown across it. Creepy? That’s the point. This would happen until Fastlane where she would debut. Instead of the dress being on the rocking chair, she would be there, Bray would walk up to her, and just as he would try to take the mask off, the lights would turn off and she’d be gone.

Just Like Bray
Here’s another scenario; imagine we’ve heard nothing about this on TV and it’s the Royal Rumble. Bray Wyatt’s music hits when his number comes up, but he doesn’t come out. Instead the woman pictured makes her way to the ring and climbs inside, scaring whoever is inside the ring at the time. She just sits in the middle of the ring, everything around her stops. The next number, Bray’s music hits again and he comes out to the ring. She immediately gets up and they come face to face… um, mask. Then, suddenly, she shoves him over the rope and eliminates him, then exits the ring. She walks up the ramp, leaving her sheep mask on the rocking chair at the top of the ramp.

Yeah, those are really strange and probably won’t happen, but I have really high hopes for this. There’s way to much for this to simply be just a rumour. If this happens, it needs to happen soon, or it won’t carry well. Anyway, I didn’t plan to post this or write anything about this, but it just happened. I hope you enjoyed this, and I hope you go and read dozens of articles like I did. Go check out the tweet and see for yourself, do you believe it? Be sure to follow me on Twitter, @graveyardpxnk, for more rumours that I don’t write about! I’ll see you next time with yet another WWE post!

“Fear not the army of wolves led by the sheep. Fear the army of sheep led by the wolf.” – Bray Wyatt